Alumni board associates

The Alumni Office and the Board welcome contributions from alumni who are keen to get involved in running and contributing to alumni affairs as Alumni Board Associates (“ABAs”).
ABAs assist Board members in setting and implementing Board initiatives. They will have unique opportunities to contribute to the direction and future of the CIS Alumni body, as well as experience the work of the Alumni Board, via working with the Alumni Office and the Board on a wide range of general alumni-related matters and events, with more segments of our alumni population, and also the general and wider community, both within CIS (e.g. Governors, the Head of School, staff, CISPTA, and/or student representatives) and outside of it.

We currently have 20 ABAs, each working on an entirely voluntary basis within at least one Committee of the Board. They not only help to organise in-person and/or virtual events, but also consult / lead / spearhead initiatives.
Our general expectations of our ABAs are listed below:
- Be positive and enthusiastic supporters of CIS Alumni
- Regularly attend sub-committee meetings (roughly once a quarter)
- Keep in regular contact with your committee head and let them know if you are able to take on more responsibilities
- Provide the alumni office and board with fresh ideas for events and initiatives. Some of our most popular events are ABA-led, like Web 3.0 and Crypto career development panel talk, or our upcoming Halloween Murder Mystery Night!
- Be involved with organising at least one event every school year with your sub-committee
- Attend at least one alumni monthly social every term - be visible and keep engaging with the alumni community
- Reach out to the alumni community to gauge their interest for events and initiatives
- Proven track record of supporting alumni initiatives
If you are interested in working with the Board as an ABA, please click here to access the Job Description and to get to know us and our work simply show up regularly at any alumni events!
Current ABAs (2023)
Maryellen Ko ’08
Loretta Tsui ’01
Tania Tsang ’04
Jaclyn Tsui ’03
Justin Kung ’11
Jeffrey Lam ’17
Stephanie Tsui ’05
Catherine Wang ’17
Jason Yu ’02
Jennifer Allcock ’02
Jason Lee ’07
Jason Lee ’09
Kevin Ling ’98
John Lui ’97
Jaclyn Tsui ’03
Rafaella Tung ’98
Christian Yang ’96
Fion Leung ’06
Andrew Mak ’07
Joleen Soo ’96
Annie Wong ’06