Carrie Seto ’00 – Career Development Ambassador

Meet Carrie, our new Career Development Ambassador! In this new role, she will be leveraging our alumni and parent network to support alumni professional development – career opportunities, mentorship, networking, skills workshops and more.

Name: Carrie Seto
Graduating Year: 2000
Current place of residence: Hong Kong

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born in HK, and was at CIS from reception to graduation. I now have a son who is currently in Year 1. 

What attracted you to the role?

The opportunity to meet and connect with people. I volunteer at the school often so I’m in and out every day, and this role gives me the opportunity to deepen connections with people I meet. I also love the community – the staff, the parents, alums and students! 

What do you hope to achieve during your time as Career Development Ambassador?

I hope to develop a career resources platform that can connect alums and provide support for career development among our community.

You’ve worn many hats at CIS – student, alumna, parent, volunteer, and now staff! What are you most looking forward to about working at CIS?

Being able to give back to CIS. We have a strong network of parents and alumni. It would be amazing to continue building the community and help support one another.

You’ve witnessed a lot of evolution at CIS over the years. What else do you hope to see from the school in the future?

Vision 33 is a grand plan which will take CIS to a new level. I really look forward to doing my part to help push the vision along, especially when it comes to developing stronger ties within the community. I am so excited to see all the great things Carson will experience at CIS up close!

Quickfire round – give us the first answer you think of

  • Your best and worst subject at CIS: Art (best) & Physics (worst)
  • If you could become fluent in any language, what would it be? Korean
  • If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be? Skinny jeans and ankle boots
  • Your celebrity crush: Song Joong Ki
  • Your most-used emoji: 😂

What is your favourite memory from CIS?

There are so many!!! The Year 12 and 13 common room (so basic back in the days but that was all we needed to hang and bond). Hanging out in the Art room till late with fellow IB Art students, which gave me a little taste of what college would be like. Going to different schools to play netball. Comparing new Dr. Martens on the first day of school. Having chicken wings during recess in the cafeteria.

I’m grateful my parents chose CIS 40 years ago and I hope Carson will have as many wonderful memories of CIS as I did, find lifelong friends and gain a wealth of experience and knowledge.